Monday, January 1, 2018

ABOUT Music Channel 24a

Our Story
Welcome! Καλώς ήρθατε!

Music Channel 24 is a project devoted to the promotion of a variety of Known and Independent artists and their music.
Our goal is to connect with people all over the world and share their work and the energy of the music.
Music is the emotional medicine that keeps us healthy and inspires hope and vision for the future.

Music is also our collective voice and our strength ... that is so indispensable today.

We choose and present each month the Νew Αrtists Profile, Μusic Νews, Life Style, Live Events, and Historical Events, with the help of "YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and from other official websites...
Our hope is that we can give the world inspiration and hope with the positive energy of music.
Let's share songs and posts that create memories and dreams! 

Who knows, maybe one day, music, with the power of Love, will make us better people.

"music ... gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, and charm and cheer to life and everything". *(Plato)
HERE we will unfold our hearts to the magic of Music, we will relax and we will be entertained through our fellowship. 
We will feel a "touch" in our soul to strike completely differently ...It will be the "note" of LOVE for MUSIC ....

I wish through our posts TO TRAVEL ... TO DREAM ... AND TO BE BETTER PEOPLE ....

Welcome and THANK YOU ...
                        John Tsipas

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